Sunday, 1 November 2009
He's super cool and he knows Kung Fu!
So we start with this gem. The trailer to Blacksploitation tribute/parody; "Black Dynamite" Starring Michael Jai White (spawn, the dark knight and that shit universal soldier sequel)a UK release is yet to be confirmed
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Alien vs Predator latest trailer...SENTRY GUNS BITCHES!
Thursday, 23 July 2009
GTA: Ballad of Gay Tony latest
For all you players of GTA4 that have already played the hell out of it and still enjoying (if not already finished) The Lost and Damned. Well Rockstar have just confirmed the release date for the second piece of DLC, "The Ballad of Gay Tony" which will be available worldwide from October the 29th. But if you're new to the GTA 4 bandwagon or don't have your 360 online (which means you're probably can't read this either) then Rockstar have that covered too as on the same worldwide date you can buy Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City. Which is The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony on disc and will not - and I repeat, WILL NOT- require a copy of GTA4 to play it so you're saved having to shell out for the original game (although you should really , it's good) or waste valuable playing seconds on disc swapping. No UK price has been confiemed yet (about 40 dollars in the States) but we'll keep you posted that one.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Marvel vs Capcom 2: 29th July
Monday, 29 June 2009
The Conduit (Wii) the final trailer
Thursday, 25 June 2009
New Max Payne 3 screens
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
The first episode of Gamed1k, a satirical machinima comedy highlighting the kind of gamers that one may come across on a typical day of Xbox LIVE.
Check it out...
Monday, 1 June 2009
Bayonetta E3 Trailer
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Vaz watch
Our moral guardian, MP Keith Vaz. Who has been on a crusade to rid our shores of the evil that blights our young. Or videogames as everyone else calls them. Well it seems he must've exposed himself to the evils of manhunt 2 because it must have caused him to forget that when he claimed more than 75,000 pounds expenses for a flat in Westminster when his family home (worth over ojne million pounds) was only 12 miles away from the house of commons. About 40 minutes by car. Add to this;
£480 on silk cushions
£2614 on two leather chairs and stool
£1000 on a dining table
£750 on carpets
£100 on a lamp
more of this shithouse's carry on can be read on the story below
Friday, 22 May 2009
Wez and Larry's Top Ten Wacky Japanese Games
Oh yes, that very popular website! So check out their video by clicking on the link (which was on TV 100 years ago, but nevermind).
And after watching that, check out possibly one of the most amazing internets videos ever made below, the TGWTG 1 Year Anniversary Brawl! It includes nearly every video game internet celebrity, from ThatGuywiththeglasses to The Angry Video Game Nerd! That's right! Even everyone from Handsome Tom to SpoonyOne! Check 'em out
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
Alien Vs Predator teaser and screens
Radio 1's crap gaming weekend!
“The weekend will be jam packed with gaming themed content from reviews, to soundtracks, DJ leaderboards and a poll to find the best game ever.Whether you're into collecting gold coins, eating blue ghosts, performing unearthly fighting combos, fitting shapes together against the clock or multiplaying with distant friends there will be something for all gamers.The highlight of the weekend will be BBC Radio 1 & 1Xtra hosting an online poll to find the greatest ever computer game. A panel of industry experts will compile a list of their top 100 games and then listeners will be invited to choose their top three from the list.”
But don’t despair, PG has you covered if you are stuck listening to this cobblers, as you can make a little game out of it! And because I’ve made it up, it involves drinking.
Basically take a shot every time;
Someone uses the expression “geek” “nerd” “Anorak” . Take two if the person saying it is an expert (the station’s own Johnny Minkley for example) or professional reviewer
Someone says “playstation” or “Xbox” or “Wii” when they mean videogames or games consoles. Take two shots if they just say Nintendo. And take three shots if a DJ uses Space Invaders (or any other game that’s over 10 years old) as a blanket term for all games
When someone says any game that just came out in the last 12 months is the best game ever. With fable 2 and Fallout 3 as the allowed exceptions. Take two shots if any of the praised games are a Need For Speed or Fifa (or any crummy yearly update title) and take three shots if it’s a non-game (i.e. cooking mama or Wii fit) or a game that hasn’t even been released yet.
If you hear a game theme you recognise. If the DJ plays it for less than 30 seconds and talks all over it then have another.
If some bright spark DJ gives out their gamertag/ PSnetwork id on air. Consider yourself a friend of PG if you abuse them online and send us the footage
If some has been from an old gaming Tv show (Dave Perry, Dominick Diamond, Matt Cuttle et all) guests. As above, we’ll love you forever if you phone in and abuse them and send us the audio
If anyone says “computer games” instead of “videogames”. Which is wanky I know but they’re my rules so there. Ignore if it’s in reference to a PC game.
Hopefully that should help pass the time until Charlie Brooker‘s Gameswipe. If you make it through the entire weekend then your next port of call should be
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Sony to publish Ghostbusters
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Sega's Wack World Of Sports
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
PDC 2009 preview
Friday, 17 April 2009
SF4 championship mode free!
"Championship Mode offers you the chance to compete in five different grades of tournaments, creating the right challenge for players of every skill level. You’ll score Grade Points (GP) for tournament wins, and as your GP total grows, you’ll become eligible to enter into more exclusive tournaments. Winning tournaments will also net you Championship Points (CP). CPs are like “prize money” up for grabs in the tournament. The higher the GP skill of the players in a particular tournament, the bigger the CP prize!"
So hopefully newer players won't get swamped by all the top tier players online and you'll be able to go over tournament matches in the rplay mode, watching the best matches and even being able to view an on screen display of the button inputs so you learn all the dirty tricks. The mode will avliable to download on the 24th of April for both 360 and PS3
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Some new Brutal Legend screens
Friday, 27 March 2009
New Call of Duty!
Roll on November says us
Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Rhythm Heaven just around the corner
Saturday, 21 March 2009
New shots of The Conduit
Monday, 16 March 2009
More proof Ninty don't give a toss about the west
You may think it's brilliant over in Japan. They get all the games before us mugs in Europe, sometimes software that'll never see the light of day over here and they go around molesting girls on trains willy nilly. While we wait upon nintendo to even regestre our existance over here in Blighty. Well that ideal takes another step towards truth as in Japan some elementary and middle schools in Osaka Japan are handing out free DS' to students to aid with their learning. The Osaka education board made using the DS as part of school laerning in January with software such as Brain Age and My Japanese Coach.
Where as over here, nintedo have just added twenty pounds on the price of a Wii to retailers so a Wii price hike may be on the cards so dixons and the like don't lose out on pocket.
Thanks Nintendo!
Saturday, 14 March 2009
What shithead put water in my gin glass!
and if you still can't wait then amuse yourself with the madworld mini-games off the site;
Friday, 13 March 2009
Virtual On coming to xbox live arcade
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Jonathan Ross lets slip about Fable 3
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Inside The Xbox 360 - Through the Tech Hole
The video is so popular right now that the internets almost collapsed with people saying "I can has moar?"
Check it out and be a sheep. Or don't check it out and be deemed uncool. It's up to you.
UFC 2009 Undisputed trailer
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Platinum Games shows us how to open game box
Cheers for that! Who says developers don't care about gamers needs.
However, if you want to win some unspecified stuff then enter their compitition. All is required is you buy the game and get a mate with a camera.
"Take you camera with you when you go buy MADWORLD. Take a picture or a video of you with the game, either in the act of purchasing or after you have purchased. Just like kills in MADWORLD, the more elaborate the picture, the better your chances of winning. Multiple people in the photo is a good start. Making it black, white, and red - even better. Get creative, get original. Once you are done, post a link to the photo or video here in the comments. Make sure to fill in the email address field or we can’t contact you if you win."
This is the place to send your entries to
the closing date is march 28th.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
crap Ryu, only a snip at 10 grand
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Hold my DS fatty
Monday, 2 March 2009
Out with the old and in with the older
well now that whats 'is face has gone to pastures new. So that means there's a new sherrif in town. That being me. It's gonna be a bit slow at first but rest assured I'm just as spiteful and unprofessional as anyone else around here so don't worry about things changing for the softer side of things.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
Parental Guidance becomes Gamerphile.
You can find the new site here:
Article by: Edwin Jones.
Friday, 6 February 2009
New Left 4 Dead content confirmed by Valve.
Well, it's about time.
Valve have confirmed more content for Left 4 Dead on 360 and PC today in the form of two new Versus mode campaigns (probably the two missing co-op campaigns at last) and a survivor mode. I think I speak for the whole internet when I say that this is awesome.
Article by: Edwin Jones
Friday, 30 January 2009
Sony are suffering a serious slump in sales.
We hope that this is not as serious an issue as it has been for other companies as nobody wants to see Sony leave the gaming arena. Somebody has to keep Microsoft from getting all evil and Nintendo from being the only Japanese console manufacturer. Get well soon Sony.
Article by: Edwin Jones
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
The Resident Evil 5 demo is out on Xbox Live. Now.
Well, it is. And it is slightly dissapointing I must say. In a world with Gears of War in it, not being able to move, aim and shoot is ghastly. Having a partner you can't get rid of who gets killed by enemies because of her own stupidity which ends the game for you both is also just pants. You can do better than this Capcom, hold the game back and fix these issues. The graphics are very good though, so stick with them. Less screen tearing though please.
Article by: Edwin Jones
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Fallout 3 updated
Like Fallout 3? Good news for you and several million other people then.
The powers that be have decided to give us a patch for the game on all formats that will stop random crashes, infinite XP exploits and which will let you drop now useless quest items clogging up your inventory. Sweet!
For more details click here.
Article by: Edwin Jones
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
UK games sales higher than ever
Happy new year!
It's a little late but the year is still young. To start off on such a new year how about some good news about the economy instead of all the bad stuff?
according to Eurogamer, over 80 million games were sold in the U.K. last year. That's almost 2 billion pounds (not dollars) in game sales. Crikey. This is about 23% higher than 2007 so although the economy is suffering games are yet again not taking any notice. Hurrah!
Here come the dark side of it so get ready to grit your teeth - most of these sales are to casual gamers. We are talking about everybody who bought wii-fit here. Sadly, real gaming is taking a back seat to Nintendo's money machine but they have made it clear for a long time now that they care about money and not an innovative or playable game. No, they want novelty toys for adults and by god do they sell a lot of them.
Don't blame Nintendo. Blame your parents. In fact, go out and buy them GOW 2 or Fallout 3 right now to show them how awesome games can be. A 360 can be bought for less than £100 these days so it's not hard to give them one. If nothing else they won't try to anger you again after seeing how ridiculously gory those games are. If you want to be a wimp about it get them 'Scene It' or something.
Article by: Edwin Jones